Well, (see what I did there?) we finally managed to book a Holiday in AND it came as a complete surprise to me as Josh just booked tickets and told me, but wouldn’t tell me where we were going! Until we got to the airport. I had a couple of hints and managed to guess it (as I usually do! I ALWAYS guess the surprises, even our engagement. But that’s for another blog post.

I have NEVER eaten so much food, and pasta in my life and can’t even begin to explain the kind of flavors I tasted over there. Top vacation spot for good right now.

We went to: Bari, Polignano de Mare, & Conversano.

Our first day in we arrived about 1PM or so and took our rental car and drove from Bari airport to Conversano where we were staying. We got in, and apparently everyone in the afternoon shuts down shop. So nothing is open in regards to food, clothing, or even grocery stores. WE WERE STARVING. So we walked all over the town and managed to find a little restaurant who were having an Easter special meal of about like 8 courses for only 35 euros. So we said yes. I literally stuffed my face, and was full like 3 courses in. And they kept coming. Like it was a whole situation in a half. So we embarrassingly had to tell them to stop and we would just pay it and we left. I’m sure they thought us so rude but we had no idea what we were in for and this girl just could not do it.

Our first night in our AirBnB was LOVELY (the video shows it all). Yet we were awakened at 7AM by some banging outside by what seemed to be some sort of metal cladding. We were like okay, not very good… but let’s just see. The banging didn’t stop. So we eventually got up and got dressed and were ready to hit the day. We opened our door only to find out we were BARRICADED IN THE ROOM BY SCAFFOLDING. The guy was like “UN MOMENTO!!! UN MOMENTO!!!” Like could not even get out of our room. Apparently the spot we were in was with a ton of other holiday homes and the people above us were renovating and didn’t tell our AirBnB lady… We had one more night in there and it happened again and Yelled at them this time. We finally left and switched to a nicer AirBnB which actually saved us some money in the end. You couldn’t’ make this up!

We visited the beach, ate sooo much gelato, tried out 2 escape rooms, went sightseeing, and liked napped. Because we finally could. I did manage to get a bit of tan.

Video highlights below:

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