Easter has come and gone and I have soooo many chocolate eggs as it’s the thing to give here. Will definitely remember that for next year so I’m not looking funny when people hand me one and I haven’t got any to give back!

But He has risen, He is alive, and I love Him. The real reason here for my life is Jesus. Thank you Lord for saving me.

Got to watch Josh lead worship for COM Church’s Good Friday Service and wow! He is ever so stunning. He is my favourite to lead worship, along with a friend named Ted Jiboye who is incredibly talented, and has an album launch coming soon! When they both worship, the presence of God just floods the place.

I also got to see Leeland and Pat Barrett (from Housefires) as they came and did a show here for us, during their UK tour. Such great guys, and Leeland is from Baytown, which is fairly close to Beaumont, which is basically my hometown. Crowbarred that to fit? But we both have mutual friends and it was nice to see a Texan face.

I have also started another advertising job from the states since I’m not allowed to work here. Let me explain my current situation (and with a shameless gofundme request at the end) just so you all know.

I have moved my life to be in Dunstable with my future husband Josh Carr. I am happily settled in at the Pastor’s house for COM Church, where Josh works. I am also doing light contract work for two advertising firms in the states as I am not allowed to be paid for work in the UK yet. It’s fun and what I love to do, and just about pays for my student loans. I am currently here on a temporary visa which allows my to stay for 6 months before getting married. (It’s like 115 day until then… what even…)

 So the next few steps for us in all of this is to apply for a spousal visa which will allow me permanent residence, the ability to be full-time employed here in the UK, and grant me access to the National Health System. The spousal visa and all relating applications amount to about $2,500, which is a ton of stress for on one and a half salaries between the two of us. Anyways, we have to get it in early July so if anyone wants to donate to that, please feel free!!!

I got to meet baby Bronte Palmer and she is the cutest one. I know we have many hopping trips coming up and she knows that Auntie Sarah will spoil the mess out of her.

Also, look at that fab wallpaper in the background. UK houses usually have fun colours throughout and sometimes one color scheme. Like everything will be purple or turquoise. They even have those color of cars here and it is random and funny. Can anyone guess what my house will look like? Black and copper and grey. Maybe a lil turquoise.

Cheers xx

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